Once you have made contact with the college you are interested in. Pay close attention to the information they give you and to any deadlines given in these early stages when applying, responding, attending open days, exams, etc. It would be a good idea to have a prepared list of questions ready to ask when […]
Category: Vocational education
The most successful professional careers
Many of us have the misconception that professional careers programs think they provide people with low-level jobs and don’t offer much scope; This is a wrong statement as there are hundreds of technical schools and colleges around the world that offer thousands of career opportunities to people in various fields. Vocational education which is also […]
Vocational training in Viet Nam: still waiting for UNIDO
Vietnam has a unique network of basic vocational training centers that provide an opportunity for educationally disadvantaged youth to gain a useful skill and first work experience. As an International Technical Training Expert (ITTE), I paid great attention to these centers while serving with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) from 1997 to 1999. […]
Here’s how African governments are building a skilled Africa, block by block
Governments in many African countries are beginning to believe that technical education and training are becoming increasingly crucial to their national development. The increasing importance that African governments now attach to the promotion and development of vocational education and training is evident in many of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) developed by governments in […]
The great thing about Professional Bible School
Education is important in order to perform well in any profession. This could be for something as basic as plumbing to something more important than installing an engine on an airplane. When people want to have a stronger relationship with God and want to help the community, clergy can pay attention to a professional Bible […]
The need to develop technical and vocational skills in Africa
The term technical and vocational skills development follows the 1997 UNESCO International Standard Definition of Education, which is education and training “to acquire the practical skills, know-how and understanding necessary for employment in a profession, trade or group of trades or trades”. In Africa there are approximately 200 million people between the ages of 15 […]
Is vocational training the solution to youth unemployment?
Recently released figures from the Office for National Statistics indicate that unemployment continues to increase in the UK. People ages 16-24, in particular, are among the hardest hit demographic as they struggle to break into the job market for the first time. The numbers tell a depressing story for the country’s youth, as the unemployment […]
Career education for children
Career education for children at an early age can be very beneficial. Children can obtain a professional education through vocational schools or programs, or through homeschooling. A number of vocational education institutes operate online as well. In homeschooling situations, parents have complete control over their children’s needs and have the flexibility to teach them moral […]
The importance of vocational training for career development
Vocational education or training is an effective way to enrich one’s practical skills to easily face professional challenges. It helps to continue in-depth study by providing valuable knowledge in a particular field. There are no age limits to acquiring this kind of knowledge and it is the best way to prepare for getting the job […]
7 benefits of technical and vocational education
Nowadays, one needs to be skilled in many areas of qualification. This takes into account degree programs, technical and vocational education, and other related courses. To fulfill the technical education requirements, one must enroll in a technical-vocational institution where programs can be obtained for a short period of time. Here are the seven benefits one […]